The Ultimate Brand Guidelines Checklist: Everything You Need to Know

Are you running a business, no matter how big or small? If so, you need to have brand guidelines in place. Your brand is your identity – it’s how your customers and clients recognize you and what sets you apart from your competitors. In this post, we’ll give you everything you need to know about …

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Should You Play the Game? The LinkedIn Dilemma for Founders

The dilemma for LinkedIn founders is whether to play the game. With its recent changes, the attention economy has taken over, and many people, including entrepreneurs, are left wondering if they should join. The allure of getting more visibility and building a larger audience is strong, but it’s important to weigh the costs and benefits …

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2023 elections: How Indian Congress politicians can make social media work for them!

In the run-up to the 2023 Indian national elections, social media will be a key battleground for politicians seeking to engage with voters. In this article, we outline 10 tips for Indian Congress politicians on how to make social media work for them in the next election cycle. 2023 elections: How Indian Congress politicians can …

2023 elections: How Indian Congress politicians can make social media work for them! Read More »

The Benefits of Marketing Experimentation (and How to Do It Right)

There’s a reason why big businesses invest so much in marketing – it works. However, what works for one business might not work for another. This is where experimentation comes in. Marketing experimentation allows you to test different strategies and tactics to see what generates the best results for your company. This blog post will …

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Top 10 Brand Strategies to Skyrocket your Business Growth Organically

Profit earning is the fundamental concern of a business and thus it is important to develop a business legitimately. Building organic followers and to be able to let your business thrive on organic means is an essential aspect of development. Growing your business is not a child’s play and doing it organically is an add-on …

Top 10 Brand Strategies to Skyrocket your Business Growth Organically Read More »

Top 5 Typographic Hacks to Make Your Designs Look Super Chic

As consumers, we want to see what looks appealing to us. Something that strikes the right cord.Designs are a major determinant of a brand’s identity and in order to make sure the narrative comes across as clear, we have to make sure that the creatives resonate with the idea of the brand. Typography plays a …

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Do you know these future hot trends about Digital Marketing? – The Future of Digital Marketing

If a question like “What is the future of digital marketing in India?“ has popped up in your head, then this post is for you. The outburst that digital marketing has seen over the past couple of years is alien to none. With the massive amount of users on the internet, it’s imperative for businesses …

Do you know these future hot trends about Digital Marketing? – The Future of Digital Marketing

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Why one must promote their business over the Internet? – Impacts of Digital Marketing

Approximately, there are about 3.2 billion internet users in the world, accounting for nearly 56.1% of the world’s total population. Most of these users have accounts on multiple social media platforms. With the massive amount of people on the internet, advertising your business online is a total no-brainer. Internet has brought people together and to …

Why one must promote their business over the Internet? – Impacts of Digital Marketing Read More »