Many people believe that content writing is Simple and Just writing. But is it as easy as falling off a log? This misconception shatters after actually trying their hands at content writing. Let us have a look at some of the primary myths which will help you discover the nitty-gritty about writing.

  1. “IS CONTENT THIS SIMPLE AS IT SEEMS?” Many readers and freshers feel creating content is a cakewalk, which isn’t a reality. Just like with any other business, there exists an extensive process that turns raw into a finished product; similarly writing involves quality time to transform raw data into refined knowledge. 
  1. “CONTENT DOESN’T EXPIRE”:  The more updated we stay, the more approachable we are. With a passage of time the information needs either amendments or to be distorted. And if not done within right frame of time, the information become purposeless at the user’s end.
  1. “WRITING VS CONTENT WRITING”: We normally misinterpret the term writer with content writer. Content writers might be writers but not necessarily. Why? Because the individual who create content involves themselves into analyzing market trends, R&D ANY for the client’s business and reading the mindset of client’s client.
  1. “WHO READS”: One more myth that prevails in today’s time is ‘no one has time to read.’ But it isn’t a reality! As we have evolved from telegram and fax system to emailing and WhatsApp. So we have not stopped reading but evolved our mode of update like Videos, GIF’s, Presentations, Questionnaire, Blog post, Group Discussion. So, Content is like an inevitable part of our eco-system, prevailing all around day and night. For instance, we use apps such as Zomato to find good eateries nearby, user-manuals to know how to apply/use the product, travel guide templates for exploring the place.
  1. “CONTENT IS USER-DRIVEN, NOT PLATFORM BASED”: Any content gets created, keeping users accessibility at the front and not with an intent of only churning higher ranks and accolades. To mark your content rich and interesting, you will have to target the audience because happy audiences create prospective clients, thus adding good remarks and more reviewers to your portfolio. We structure our content in such a way that educates and informs the end-user, thus automatically bookmarking your brand as their favorite.
  1. “CONTENT IS ALL ABOUT ‘SEO’”:  Content Writing is much more than SEO. It inculcates profound knowledge about your business, brand, and services and tends to connect with the audience at an emotional ground. A write-up is like a story-teller that takes users on a journey of your product or services in an interactive manner. Content writing requires patience and skill to create engaging content which attracts prospects without going overboard with keyword stuffing.
  1. “I HAVE A LOGO, THEREFORE I HAVE A BRAND”: A brand is much more than a logo. A logo is a graphic representation of a business in its simplest form through a mark or icon. It identifies ownership and is one of the primary means by which customers recall a brand. A brand, however, is much more complex. A brand is a company’s unique expression of how it behaves and interacts with consumers, a combination of everything it owns, produces, and portrays, all of which reflect the corporate values, culture, and vision and culminate into an image perceived by consumers.
  1. ONLY BIG COMPANIES CAN BRAND THEMSELVES: It’s a matter of misconception that only the elite class of companies can brand themselves. It’s always small steps that lead to establishing a big name. In this entire process of creating a ‘Legendary Name’, giving your product and service the right platform, the right recognition is what BRANDING is all about!  And that’s how every startup/fresher organization has branded itself from becoming small to big.

If you are the best manufacturer/dealer of your product amongst your competitors, but there exists no market to consume the same, how long will your product survive? To grow and sustain in this market league, we all need varied platforms to develop our business relations. As more and more people go online searching for your product or service information, the better your business will step into the globalized market, thus attracting a distinguished work profile.

  1. ONLY CONTENT WILL MAKE MY WEBSITE GOOD: ‘Content is King,’ but a king without a right Chancellor is just like having an eye without a vision. Similarly, any good content without a proper platform to display will not be sufficient to meet the heights of excellence. That’s when Good Digital Marketing comes into the picture! A presentable marketing forum involves the creation of good, high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience’s needs.
  1. DO WE NEED A MARKETING DEGREE TO START AS CONTENT WRITERS? / CONTENT WRITER NEED NOT BE A NERD: Content writing is not rocket science; you don’t need a Ph.D. in Marketing to begin with, content writing. All you need is good knowledge about your product/service and an interest in creating interesting content. Content is the core of any business, be it small or big. With the right type of content and good marketing strategies, one can easily reach
  1. CONTENT IS ALL ABOUT WRITING FOR CLIENT: Writing content is an art, creating information that makes clients’ audience happy. It combines personalized writing style, creative thought process, and, most importantly, keeping up with the latest trends. Content writing is all about researching and creating interesting stories/ideas that can create wonders in the minds of the reader and make them more curious to indulge in your product/service.
  1. CONTENT WRITING IS PERVASIVE IN ITSELF: Content writing isn’t confined to just one medium. It ranges across all platforms like websites, blogs, e-books, newsletters, press releases, etc.; the most important is SEO(Search Engine Optimization). SEO helps increase organic search engine traffic with content relevant to user queries. That’s why it has become a necessary part of any online marketing strategy. Content should be optimized for users and search engines as much as possible to ensure maximum visibility.
  1. CONTENT DOESN’T MAKE DIVESTMENT, BUT A 100% INVESTMENT: Content writing is an investment for any business. It’s not just about saving money but about creating an asset that can lead to more profits and visibility. Content writing helps build trust and authority in the minds of customers; it also helps increase conversions by providing value-adding content that users want. Therefore, investing in content writers is a 100% investment!
  1. Content writing isn’t only about good grammar and vocabulary. It requires extensive research and a detailed understanding of the topic/subject before beginning to write anything meaningful. One should understand their target audience well and create content accordingly. A skilled content writer knows how to connect with their readers emotionally by using.

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