If a question like “What is the future of digital marketing in India?“ has popped up in your head, then this post is for you. The outburst that digital marketing has seen over the past couple of years is alien to none. With the massive amount of users on the internet, it’s imperative for businesses to go digital, transcending the traditional techniques of marketing.
As prevalent as digital marketing is, in the current era, it surely has greater avenues in the coming days. Till now, the digital marketers have effectively strategized businesses for skyrocketing trajectory, but it’s about time that they move forward and upwards. Digital marketing has a plethora of tools to thrive on in the near future, constructively administering the requirements of a business.
We hope by the end of this blog post, you’d be able to predict the future of digital marketing easily.
Following are a bunch of latest and potential trends in the digital space that, if adopted, are expected to bear exceptional, award-winning results for digital marketers.
1) Artificial Intelligence:
Though Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used widely in the world now, but we could still do better. Multiple businesses are benefitting from AI in various domains like shopping, manufacturing, security, healthcare, warehousing, etc.
According to a report, 2 out of 3 people have no idea that they are interacting with chatbots while using AI.
AI is expected to become a 190B $ industry by the year 2025.
Not only would AI elevate the efficiency of your business but would also reduce staffing and other costs significantly, given that AI is consistently replacing jobs like email personalization, communication, product recommendations, etc.
2) Social Media:
Social media is no more being used for “socializing” but is now a means of business and entertainment. For businesses, social media is a boon considering the immense amount of returns being earned, leads generated, and profits earned through multiple channels. Although shoppable posts aren’t a new thing anymore, they’ve considerably upped the ante for business to sell their products using social media. The main agenda of shoppable posts was to enhance customer retention and increase sales by making things easier for the buyer.
The fact that most people (nearly 3.96 billion people) are on various social media platforms, calls for improved education of digital marketers on social media.
3) Voice Search:
Google reports show that approximately 27% of the world’s population uses voice search for their daily operations.
Voice search, again, isn’t something very new to mankind. For those who don’t know, Voice search is a tool for commanding a device to do things for you.
For example, playing a song, finding an address, setting an alarm, etc.
Optimizing digital content for Voice search is a total win for digital marketers since it enhances customer loyalty and brand reputation. Ease of access makes the customer naturally drawn towards your business.
4) Chatbots:
Chatbots are essentially computer-designed programs to facilitate a conversation with humans over the internet. Chatbots are being used increasingly since the past couple of years and there’s no possibility of them not being used in the future. Businesses have substantially incorporated AI chatbots in their operations for the 24*7 availability and access that they offer.
According to a survey, by the end of 2020, 80% of entrepreneurs will use chatbots in their businesses.
For people in the digital space, chatbots are super-beneficial in terms of the value delivered with negligible costs involved. From a customer’s viewpoint, these robots offer great value primarily because of the prompt responses and patient nature. For the businessmen who are looking to expand and improve their businesses, chatbots are a no-brainer.
5) Influencer Marketing:
Again, a concept not unknown, Influencer marketing has been around for a while now. This tool of marketing is essentially involved with advertising some content through people who have a substantial amount of following on digital platforms. Influencer marketing usually works on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. and is an effective way of promoting a business digitally.
The followers on these influencers’ channels would believe the person given the expertise in a particular niche and thus, are likely to buy that product/service.
According to a survey, 63% of marketers plan to improve their budget on influencer marketing by 2021.
Digital marketers who intend to build brand awareness or generate leads should collaborate with these influencers (micro or macro, depending upon the requirement).
6) Google’s Gallery Ads:
This tool by Google is literally a blessing to businesses that are all about virtual. Just like Facebook’s carousel ads, these ads will appear only on mobile phone screens and would combine up to 8 images along with a description and a headline. These ads are sure to up your game if your business involves a fair amount of photography and visuals.
7) Visual Search:
Visual search is, without a doubt, a revolutionary advancement in the technological domain. By just uploading an image one could conduct a search about well, almost anything. Often, we do not know the name of a particular commodity but we also want to find out what it is and visual search will do exactly the same for you. Google will have a lens that would essentially scan through the image and find relevant results. One could find details about apparels, books, barcodes, landmarks, buildings, paintings, plants, and much more!
Mentioned points suggest the future of digital marketing agencies and businesses in the coming days. How businesses are going to up their game with these trends is entirely up to them and their trade gimmicks. Digital marketers surely have numerous avenues to thrive on; just that the right tool has to picked and you’re gold! For businesses that plan to take their work online, these tools are an absolute YES!